Entries by Robert Andrews


Virginia revenues are up, which means we should lower taxes.

Virginia’s general fund revenues for fiscal year 2024 were $1.2 billion more than what had been forecasted. From Cardinal News. By Joe McNamara. Last week, Virginia reported that general fund revenues exceeded forecasted revenues by $1.2 billion in FY2024. It is not unusual for actual revenues to exceed forecasted revenues in the commonwealth. In the last four […]


It is time to come to the budget table.

The fundamental reality is that Virginia doesnnot need to augment our current tax stream in order to properly fund our schools, law enforcement, mental health and the myriad of government needs that our citizens rely on.  From Cardinal News. By Joe McNamara. There has been significant posturing relative to the adoption of a two-year budget […]


McNamara at the center of the food (tax) fight

by Dwayne Yancey February 18, 2022   A half century or so ago, the thing that Del. Joe McNamara is trying to do was considered dangerously radical, the platform of a wild-eyed liberal. Now it’s considered an article of faith among many conservatives. Funny how things change, isn’t it? The Roanoke County Republican – a mild-mannered […]

McNamara Provides Tax Relief to Struggling Virginians

Delegate Joe McNamara (R-Roanoke), working alongside Delegate Todd Gilbert (R-Shenandoah) and Senator Steve Newman (R-Bedford), reached a bipartisan compromise on tax conformity during the 2021 General Assembly session. This will deliver up to $221 million in tax relief for individuals and businesses in the 8th District and across the Commonwealth — despite a Democrat-controlled legislature […]

McNamara Legislation Helps Schools Respond to Emergencies

ROANOKE, Va. – Gov. Ralph Northam signed the “Remote Learning” bill this week, which allows unscheduled remote learning during inclement weather and emergency situations that prevent in-person learning. Delegate Joe McNamara, who represents parts of the Roanoke and New River valleys, introduced the bill to the House of Delegates, and state Sen. David Suetterlein, who […]